Monday, 20 September 2010

We have the keys - a new building, a new season...

Friday 17 September 2010.  What a day!  The day when we, The King's Church Mid-Sussex, got the keys to our new building in Burgess Hill. 

I had the joy and the privilege of opening it for the first time - it was very humbling to walk around the massive spaces again dreaming of all that God might do through this resource.

Its been a long journey - I have a file in my office with letters dating back to June 2003 which mark the start of our search for our own premises. 7 years later and we now own 27,000sq ft of warehousing.

Of course, there is much still to do.  We need to turn a tired industrial warehouse into a contemporary church centre with cafe, meeting rooms, office space and auditorium.  There is at least a years worth of building and development ahead of us (though we hope the offices and some meeting space will be ready for use before Christmas).

However, last Friday felt like a hugely significant day. In February 2009, Julian Adams was with us and he prophesied over our church saying:

As I’ve been praying for you I believe that God wants to break off an old identity that this church has had, and it’s almost like I could see your signs changing; it’s almost like I could see letterheads changing; I could see a change in image; I could see a change in the face of this church.  There will be a greater release of creativity, there’s going to be a greater release of the presence of God, there’s going to be a greater release of the identity of this church. It’s almost like, and I don’t mean this in a horrible way, this church has been known as a safe church, a good place where people can come and receive and get pastoral help and be cared for but I believe God is about to propel this church into a place where you begin to have an authority in every sphere of society and begin to bring dramatic change as the Kingdom of God breaks out…..he’s going to cut through some old tradition, even in this church, some old tradition in this town, some old wine skins really, God is going to give you faith to break right through and propel this church. And I believe there’s something right at the foundation of this church where God is going to put a missional heart in this church, God is going to begin to release something, even for church planting in a new way. I believe you’re to get ready for that because God is going to break open some incredible opportunities of favour and faith for you. 

A change of image, new signs, greater release of the identity of this church, a place where you begin to have an authority in society...these things seems so huge but so exciting.  I am convinved that the permanence and presence that we will have with our own building will be a key factor in seeing some of these things take place.  A new season is ahead of us.

We are not simply re-locating, we are beginning the next part of our adventure together as a church.  God is very faithful indeed.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Prayer & Fasting Week and Building News

We begin each term at TKC with a week of prayer and fasting!  Sunday night was a great start as members of TKC gathered to worship, prophecy and pray.  The last 30 minutes were full of people all round the room praying powerfully for Mid-Sussex.

The week continues on Tuesday, Wednesday (Ldrs only) and Thursday - gathering each evening at 7.45pm in the Age Concern Building in Haywards Heath.

Tuesday evening will focus on our new building - it will be good to pray in to this in such a significant week for the project.  We'll be sharing more news and info on the development.  Then we will pray for God to work through our building in more ways then we could ask or imagine.

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, 9 September 2010

The Autumn Term at TKC...

September always feels like a significant time of year for TKC.  After the summer break there seems to be a change of gear in church life. The beginning of a new term and a new academic year is also a good chance to remind ourselves of all that God is calling us to. 

This coming Sunday (12 Sept) is our Vision Sunday - an opportunity for me to preach into the next season of TKC life and remind us of all that God has called us to be together. This will also be the launch of our new teaching series called 'Disciple' - over the next couple of months we will be looking at what Jesus taught his followers about what a disciple is and what a disciple isn't.

This will lead into our week or prayer and fasting - amazing times together - the engine room of church life.  Join us on Sun 12, Tue 14, Wed 15 or Thu 16 - for more info see

Our Alpha course begins with a meal at The Bent Arms Pub on Wednesday 29 September.

Out Parent and Toddler Group - 'Little Fishes' - are starting a parenting course on Monday 20 September - for more info see

We welcome Mark Ritchie and his show - Tale of Three Journeys - on Friday October 8 at The Hub, Haywards Heath. See

They are just a few of things happening at TKC this term.  And I haven't even mentioned the building project.  We will soon become the owners of a 27,000sq ft warehouse in Burgess Hill and we plan to have all the offices developed and occupied before Christmas! But more about that in another post.

Being part of TKC is thrilling, challenging and hugely rewarding. And God is so amazing and faithful in it all.  Here's to an exciting term ahead. 

Thursday, 2 September 2010

John Wesley’s Covenant Prayer

Was reading an excellent and challenging book by Simon Guillebaud over the summer called "More than Conquerors".  In the book he quotes this covenant prayer by John Wesley - it has lived with me ever since I read it...

I am no longer my own, but yours.
Put me to what you will,
Rank me with whoever you will.
Put me to suffering.
Let me be employed for you,
Or laid aside for you.
Exalted for you, or brought low for you.
Let me be full,
Let me be empty.
Let me have all things,
Let me have nothing!
And now, O Father,
You are mine and I am yours. So be it.
And the covenant I am making on earth,
Let it be ratified in heaven. Amen.

What a prayer to pray!