We deliberately wanted to learn these lessons over the summer before we officially launch The King's Centre in September.
On September 14th we are hosting a champagne reception for local dignitaries and the business community. Nicholas Soames MP will be with us to 'cut the ribbon' and say a few words. Then on on Sunday 16th September we have...
Terry Virgo at TKC
Terry has been instrumental to our life as a church going back to our early days when we met in a home in Scaynes Hill in the 1970's. It is such a priviledge that he will be with us on our official launch Sunday. He will be be preaching at our 10.30am meeting and also at a 7.00pm meeting where we have invited other local churches to come and celebrate with us.
Its all about Jesus
Then on Sunday 23rd September we are going to start a new teaching series from the gospel of Mark. We are going to look at who Jesus is, what he did and what he taught. I can't wait to get into this incredible book as we focus on the person of Jesus week after week.
Its going to be an exciting month and remember.....Kieran Dunne is joining the staff team as well.