Galatians: Authentic Living
On Sunday 05 May we start a new teaching series at The King's Church Mid-Sussex. We are going to spend six weeks delving into the New Testament letter to the Galatians.Paul reserves some of his fiercest words for this letter and for this church. Having received the gospel of grace the church in Galatia were beginning to add in all kinds of rules, restrictions and laws that prevented people living in genuine freedom. Some of the most powerful statements in the New Testament are found in this amazing letter including the declaration in chapter 5 v 1 that "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free".
We, as a leadership team, are praying that people will find a fresh revelation of freedom as we explore what authentic, gospel centred, spirit filled, Christianity looks like.
As part of this series, we are delighted that John Hosier will be coming to TKC to preach. John is an experienced and well known Bible teacher and author whose wisdom and gift for preaching will serve us brilliantly. He is with us on Sunday June 2.
I am looking forward to it - and I hope you are to. Join us every Sunday at The King's Centre, Burgess Hill at 10.30am. For more info email