It has been so good to hear some of the feedback from our current 'Sense and Sexuality' series. Many people are saying that they have never heard this stuff talked about in church, others are getting fresh revelation from God, still others are enjoying freedom from some wrong ideas or past experiences.
If you have not had chance to hear last week's message you can download it here:
As you can probably imagine, I have been doing a lot of reading for this current teaching series. In one of the books I read I came across this quote from TIME magazine.

‘Of all
the splendidly ridiculous, transcendently fulfilling things humans do, it is
sex … that most confounds understanding. What in the world are we doing?
Why in the world are we so consumed by it? The impulse to procreate may lie at the heart
of sex, but … bursting from our sexual centre is a whole spangle of other
things – art, song, romance, obsession, rapture, sorrow, companionship, love,
even violence and criminality – all playing an enormous role in everything from
our physical health to our emotional health to our politics, our communities,
our very life spans.
should this be so? Did nature simply
overload us in the mating department…?
Or is there something smarter and subtler at work, some large interplay
among sexuality, life and what it means to be human?
Time Magazine, Jan 19 2004
Why in the world is our culture so consumed by sex? Is there something smarter and subtler at work regarding what it means to be human?
This link between what it means to be human, our sexuality and there being something smarter and subtler at work is exactly the message of the Bible. We are created by a loving God to reflect his image. Our sexuality is given as a gift by God - he, contrary to popular opinion, is for sex not against it. Yet because it is so good, and because of the nature of this gift, it needs to be cared for within the faithful covenant of marriage.
However, our sexuality, expressed within marriage is meant to signpost us to something else; something beyond us, something eternal, something glorious.
What is it pointing us to? Come along to TKC this Sunday to find out more - 10.30am at the King's Centre, Burgess Hill.