Friday, 31 January 2014

The Father Heart of God conference - 09-11 May 2014

To know that God is our Father and that we have been adopted into His family is one of the most amazing truths we can ever grasp. It impacts how we view ourselves, it impacts how we view others and it impacts how we live out our Christian faith. As you read the pages of the New Testament we can see that the primary language to describe our relationship with God is that of a family; the pages are full of words such as Father, sonship, adoption, children of God and inheritance.

I am praying that God will continue to reveal the depths of this amazing truth to us as at The King's Church Mid-Sussex and, with that in mind, we are planning for a weekend conference to explore this wonderful subject of 'The Father Heart of God'.

I am delighted that Julian and Katia Adams (pic) will be with us from Friday 09 - Sunday 11 May as well as a team from their church, The King's Arms in Bedford. 

Julian and Katia Adams are based at The Kings Arms, Bedford, UK. Julian is an experienced prophet who travels to many churches, equipping the church in hearing God’s voice. Katie has been involved in various ministries through both her medical and theological background and is now serving God alongside her husband Julian. 

Both Julian and Katia have a passion to see the Kingdom come in great power and demonstrations of God's love.

The conference will start at 7.45pm on Friday 09 May, we will then be together from 9.00am-4.30pm on Saturday 10 May and the weekend will finish with Julian and Katia being with us for our Sunday morning meeting on 12 May at 10.30am.

Publicity and further information, including details of ticket prices and how to book in, will be available very soon. However, it would be great if you could pencil these dates in your diary.

I really believe this is a going to be hugely significant weekend for many people.

Friday, 3 January 2014

Christmas Poem

Happy New Year!

A few people have asked me to post online the poem that I read as part of my preach at our Christmas Celebration on 22nd December. So here it is….

God came from on high, born down below
God came in order that we might know
His love and his peace and his care and his joy
God himself came as a small baby boy

A shocking idea to consider as true
But what if he came for me and for you?
What if this baby born years ago
Actually came in order to show
That God was real, that God is there
That God understands the burdens we bear
That God is not distant; removed from our pain
But that he stepped in and in love bore the same
That he came to forgive the mistakes of our past
To wipe the slate clean; a brand new start

What response would you make if this were all true?
If there were a God who came just for you
What room would you make in your life for the one?
Who came as a baby, God’s only son

God came from on high, born down below
God came in order that we might know
God himself came as a small baby boy
God came that we may know true, deep, lasting joy