Each year, at The King's Church Mid-Sussex, we have Gift Days in the summer and autumn terms. I am always amazed and so grateful to see the church 'excel in the grace of generosity' - our Summer Gift Days this year raised nearly £95,000. Incredible!
As a result of this generosity we have been able to make huge improvements to the King’s Centre as well as make gifts to New Ground – the family of churches we connect with - and to some superb local charities.
In recent years, we have given a lot of money to local projects and to improvements at The King’s Centre. However, this Autumn we want to focus our energy on giving to projects that are working with some of the poorest in our world.
SeeKenya is at an exciting and important crossroads. There is huge potential for future development. Another team has just returned and, once again, hundreds and hundreds of lives were impacted by this practical demonstration of good news.
Some of the children that were seen in the eye clinics require additional specialist treatment and in faith SeeKenya, as a charity, has agreed to pay for this work.
We want to keep investing into ‘SeeKenya’ as we believe it is one clear way that God has asked us to get involved in his global mission to be good news to the poor.
Twenty percent of money given at the Autumn Gift Days will be given to SeeKenya.

Many of you know that we have strong links with an amazing charity called ‘Hope House Haiti’. I am sure you will also be aware of the recent hurricane that has brought such devastation to this nation.
The team at ‘Hope House Haiti’ has asked for financial help so that they can help those in their community with the basics; food, clean water and shelter.
Twenty percent of money given at the Autumn Gift Days will be given to support those impacted by this hurricane in Haiti.
This happens in a number of ways:
- education programmes and sponsorship to provide school fees, equipment and uniforms
- provision of basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter
- medical care and provision
- advocacy and legal support where required
- mentoring and counselling programmes
- job creation and business start up
But the need is so great and we want to be able to give a significant amount of money to Edfri International so that many more orphans, vulnerable children and young people are supported and given an opportunity to dream of a different future.
As a church, we are already connected with one family who have been helped and supported by CEP. A number of us have had the opportunity to visit and see the impact that CEP is having.
Our Gift Days are happening on 06 and 13 November. We have another opportunity to reflect God's heart of generosity as we give to these amazing projects around the world. Please join me in praying for these big moments in church life.