Tuesday 20 December 2016

Staff Update at The King's Church Mid-Sussex

It is such a privilege to lead a vibrant and growing team at The King's Church Mid-Sussex. We believe God has clearly spoken to us about the kind of church we are building and I'm so grateful that God is also providing some amazing people to help that vision become a reality. As we head into 2017 there are some staffing updates that I am keen to let you know about.

Rachael Turner

I think most people will know of this appointment already, however, for those that are not aware Rachael joined the staff team in October in a part-time capacity to serve as Terry Virgo's PA. Though this role is funded by Newfrontiers, Rachael is based at The King's Centre and is part of the team at The King's Church Mid-Sussex.

Dan Lank

Dan has done a superb job leading the worship team over the last 18 months and has been working two days a week for the church.  However, with two meetings beginning in January and the hope for further multiplication in the future, we invited Dan to join the team on a full-time basis and he began in this role at the start of December.  Dan will oversee and develop our worship teams, he will also develop our technical and audio-visual provision and be involved in developing creative arts in the church.

Nigel Goodenough

Part of our 2020 Vision was to see us establish houses across Mid-Sussex to accommodate and serve vulnerable people in our community. I am so excited to let you know that this vision is moving forward through an organisation called Hope Into Action.  From January 2017 Nigel will be joining the staff team at The King's Church Mid-Sussex for one day a week to establish 'Hope Into Action Mid-Sussex' with the view of us opening our first house at some point next year.

Angie Bee

Angie has been a superb addition since she joined the staff team in a part-time role in 2015 to co-ordinate our Sunday TKC Kids Programme. She has also delivered excellent events like the All-Age Christmas Cracker. The implications of running two morning meetings on our children's programmes are significant, and therefore, we have increased Angie's hours so she has more capacity to co-ordinate this growing area of church life. 

Penny McAdams

Penny has been on staff for over two years in a part-time capacity. She has fulfilled a hugely important role being the first face people see when they arrive at The King's Centre and being involved in the administration of church life. In 2017  Penny will be increasing her hours to work one additional morning and one additional afternoon each week.