Thursday, 17 December 2009

Reflections on Worship Series

We have just completed a four week teaching series at TKC on worship. Personally, I have been stirred and challenged again about what it means to 'Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, mind and strength'.

It is clear that God has been speaking to us as a church about being a 'one thing' people and it has been great to see how this phrase has found it's place in the day to day language of the church.

Our prayer, as a team, was that this teaching series would not just communicate a few theological ideas about worship. But that it would generate fresh passion in our hearts, to live lives devoted to worshipping Jesus.

One particular outworking of this, which I have been so encouraged by, is the men's prayer meeting. Last Saturday morning over 25 of us crammed into our church offices and gave an hour of full on worship and prayer - the volume was deafening, the prayers were passionate, the engagement was fantastic. I firmly believe that our church will be stronger as the guys pray. In some ways its a shame that we are now breaking for a few weeks over Christmas as we were really building some momentum, but I am looking forward to Saturday January 9th when we kick off again in the New Year.

To download messages from the worship series - visit

Monday, 7 December 2009

Counterfeit Gods

At TKC, we are currently in the middle of a teaching series on worship. Everyone worships something, the question is who...or what. Yesterday (06/12/09) we looked at the danger of fake gods - the fact that our world is full of things that are seeking our time, resources, energy, attention and ultimately our worship.
In my preparation for this series I read "Counterfet Gods" by Tim Kellar. He identified many contemporary idols - money, image, relationships, political ideals and more - which can easily become the thing in which we put our hope, identity and trust Each and every time he points us back to Jesus - and shows us how Jesus answers the deepst questions of the human heart in an way that none of these other "counterfiet gods" can.
Its a brilliant book and will get you thinking about things in your own life that may have attained a position which is competing with Jesus. Have a look at for a good price.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Prophecy being fulfilled?

The spiritual gift of prophecy is an amazing thing. When you are in a room full of people and someone brings a word and you just know that God is speaking - it's electric! We, as a church, (The King's Church Mid-Sussex) received a prophetic word a few years ago that has really shaped who we are and what we are seeking to build. Part of that word spoke about us becoming a resource centre, a church which seeks to resource and support others.

So how are we seeking to do this? Well, God seems to be opening a number of doors for us as a team. One way that we are responding to this word is the way we release Steve Cornford to serve other churches. Over the last three weeks Steve has.....

- preached at Community Church Henfield, Sussex( Steve is developing a growing relationship with this church which involves spending time with the leadership team.

- visited a church in Exmouth, Devon (, attended a church family night and laid hands on and prayed for a new leader to lead the church

- spent the weekend with Frontiers church Exeter, Devon, ran a prophetic workshop for local churches, spent time with the leaders of the church in the evening and then preached twice in their church on the Sunday.

- hosted 'Word Plus', a Bible training school that we administrate from the TKC offices, that has 5 modules a year (Saturdays) and currently has over 50 students.

We're glad to release Steve as we believe we are fulfilling what God has spoken to us about. In addition to this, I had the joy last weekend of preaching at King's Church, Horsham (

Keep checking back to this blog as I'll put further updates about what we as a team are up to.