Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Prophecy being fulfilled?

The spiritual gift of prophecy is an amazing thing. When you are in a room full of people and someone brings a word and you just know that God is speaking - it's electric! We, as a church, (The King's Church Mid-Sussex) received a prophetic word a few years ago that has really shaped who we are and what we are seeking to build. Part of that word spoke about us becoming a resource centre, a church which seeks to resource and support others.

So how are we seeking to do this? Well, God seems to be opening a number of doors for us as a team. One way that we are responding to this word is the way we release Steve Cornford to serve other churches. Over the last three weeks Steve has.....

- preached at Community Church Henfield, Sussex(http://www.communitychurchhenfield.org). Steve is developing a growing relationship with this church which involves spending time with the leadership team.

- visited a church in Exmouth, Devon (http://www.thekingswaychurch.org), attended a church family night and laid hands on and prayed for a new leader to lead the church

- spent the weekend with Frontiers church Exeter, Devon http://www.frontiers-exeter.org.uk/, ran a prophetic workshop for local churches, spent time with the leaders of the church in the evening and then preached twice in their church on the Sunday.

- hosted 'Word Plus', a Bible training school that we administrate from the TKC offices, that has 5 modules a year (Saturdays) and currently has over 50 students.

We're glad to release Steve as we believe we are fulfilling what God has spoken to us about. In addition to this, I had the joy last weekend of preaching at King's Church, Horsham (www.kch.org.uk)

Keep checking back to this blog as I'll put further updates about what we as a team are up to.

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