'Sense and Sexuality' starts on Sunday 23 June and over six weeks we will be looking at what the Bible says about identity, sexuality, relationships, singleness, marriage and much much more.
However, we also want to do some teaching outside of the Sunday morning context in order to develop and add to what is taught. So, in addition to the Sunday mornings, we are planning a number of specific 'seminar' style events for people to opt in to. I will be explaining more about the different options available via this blog so keep checking in but the first one I want to highlight is an evening for married couples.
Married? Let's talk about Sex.
On Sunday 14 July Dominique and I will be hosting an evening for married couples where we will have a very frank, honest, fun and informal conversation about sex and marriage. With input from ourselves, Carl and Caren Jones and Brian and Kay Reynolds, we are wanting to talk about how we can maintain and develop healthy sex lives within our marriages that honour one another and glorify God.
The brilliant American author John Ortberg writes that "Sex, in light of Jesus' teaching, always involves God, because God is the creator of humans. Therefore God is inevitably deeply concerned that sex be expressed, enjoyed, savoured, and relished in accordance with his design."
Sexual intimacy within marriage is designed by God to be enjoyed, savoured and relished and the Bible says a lot about how this is to happen. However, the reality is we rarely talk about these things within the context of church and, for some married couples, this subject can become a source of conflict rather than celebration yet people often feel unable to talk about it and receive input and support.
Sex has become taboo. We think it's time to lift the lid on the conversation.
So we are going to talk about subjects such as the difference between men and women when it comes to sex and intimacy, we'll talk about communication and how married couples can talk together honestly about sex, we'll talk about how to keep romance alive and kicking within marriage. There may even be time for some Q&A.
If you are married and want to come along, then the evening will start at 7.30pm and will run at The King's Centre, Burgess Hill. It would be helpful to know if you are planning to come so please email me at jim.partridge@tkc.org.uk to let me know.
More information about the other seminars will be coming out soon.
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