1. Tell us a little bit about yourself, family and interests
When I’m not at King’s I spend my time Cycling, binge watching Netflix and reading anything by C.S Lewis. Also I am not related to Kieran if anyone asks (I’m fooling nobody am I?)
2. How long have you been part of TKC?
I joined TKC 2 years 9 months and 19 days ago when we as a family moved back to Sussex having lived in Scotland for 10 years.
3. What are you excited about as you embark on this new adventure of being in intern at TKC?
Doing anything with God is always exciting, now that it’s my job I feel especially privileged. I’m looking forward to seeing what God has for me, and the church as a whole over the next year.
4. How can people pray for you as you do this role?
Please pray that God will use me in my role at TKC and give me everything I need to complete the tasks that he has for me. After all everything we do is done in his strength.
5. Who is fastest on a bike - you or your Dad
Sadly my Dad. But he is riding on more than bread and water.
Please pray for Jack in this key role. In September we also have Joel Marson joining the staff team as a part-time intern. More information coming about that very soon.
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