Friday, 13 January 2017

A new chapter for The King's Church Mid-Sussex

This coming Sunday (15 January 2017) is a significant and exciting day for The King's Church Mid-Sussex. It will mark the end of one chapter in our story and herald the beginning of a whole new chapter in the life of our church. This Sunday, for the final time, we will be meeting as one congregation in one meeting on a Sunday.

There have been other moments like this in our history; when the church moved from a home to a small rented room, from the small room to a large hall, from one Sunday meeting in that larger hall to two meetings and then more recently to purchasing and renovating a warehouse as a permanent home.

Our history is marked by these 'new beginnings' and they should cause us to look forward with a sense of huge expectation to all that is ahead.

On 22 January 2017 we will start a new chapter again as we multiply to having two morning meetings - one at 9.30am and one at 11.30am. This is the first step to multiplication - I believe there will be many others in the months and years ahead.

This is a new thing.

Not the same thing just at different times. But a new thing. A new chapter for us as a church. Unwritten pages waiting to be filled with wonderful God stories.

Let me encourage you to make every effort to be with us over these coming weeks. To be together in one room in one meeting for the last time this coming Sunday; thanking God for all he has done thus far and looking ahead to this new chapter.

And then to be there at the start of this new chapter, this new adventure, this new beginning in the life of our church. We follow an amazing God and are looking to him to do amazing things in the months ahead.

I look forward to seeing you very soon.


1 comment:

  1. How exciting! Rooting for you for continued blessing. Nigel Ring
