I have the privilege of leading the church today but I stand on the shoulders of giants. Those who pioneered, trusted God and stepped out. The fruit of their faith and obedience is the kind of church we now enjoy and, at times, take for granted. If their legacy means anything for our future then there are a number of things we need to remember as we look forward.
1. We need to remember to consistently ask for the Holy Spirit's help and empowerment. It is not the style of music that makes us charismatic, but the firm belief that the ministry and the gifts of the Spirit are for today.
2. We need to remember that God builds us into his church - which is a community, a family, a body - not simply a sequence of meetings. Relationships matter - even when they are hard. God moulds our lives into community.
3. We need to remember that we stand in grace. Our life with God is never based on our attempts at living a good life but on the glorious gift of grace. Not only do we receive this wonderful gift but we are called to display it in our lives and attitudes.
4. We need to remember to keep pioneering. This first generation fought battles, took steps of faith, stepped out in trust and from those small beginnings God has grown a movement of churches numbering in excess of 1500. Pioneering is in our DNA, let's not settle for the status quo.
I thank God for those who began our church and for those who 40 years later are still part of it. In 40 years time, I pray my generation will leave a similar legacy.
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