Tuesday 31 August 2010

Why fast?

At TKC, we begin each term with a week of prayer - our next one starts on Sunday 12 September. These weeks are key in the life of this church as we seek God, worship him, pour out our requests and hear his heart. We recognise, however, that in recent times we have not practiced the biblical discipline of fasting.

We want to introduce fasting to our weeks of prayer and these guidelines have been written to give some biblical and practical guidelines. Please read the following and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as to how, when and for how long He wants you to fast and pray.


The primary motivation behind fasting is to seek the Lord. Fasting is a biblical discipline which aids us in the seriousness of seeking God.

Jesus fasted and in Matthew 6 v 16-18, he teaches his disciples about fasting. He assumes that fasting is something they will do and encourages them to do it without a show, but with integrity before God.

Types of Fast

1. The Absolute Fast (Est. 4:16; Acts 9:9)
• Where people have no food or water for up to three days

2. The Partial Fast (Dan 10:2,3)

• A determined cutting back of food or certain drinks to say, vegetables/fruit only, or one meal a day, or no delicacies. This is a practical fast for those involved in heavy work or who have medical reasons for requiring regular food intake

3. The 40-day Fast (Matt 4:2)
• No food is eaten and drinking only water. Most people can fast for up to 40 days, though some changes to lifestyle would be required. This needs serious consideration and planning.

4. The Juice Fast (or soup/juice)
• Some prefer to have a liquid only fast which allow for more physical work. Many use this type of fast for their first long fast

5. Others: be creative!
• Fasting literally means “not eating”, but we can give up other things too
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Some people should NOT fast e.g. nursing and pregnant mums, diabetics, ME sufferers, growing children & teens (apart from the occasional meal).

Others should seek medical advice FIRST e.g. the elderly, those on medication, etc

Spiritual Guidelines

1. All fasting is about knowing God and choosing to act on our belief that he is more important to us than anything else. Receiving from God or seeing situations changed are secondary matters. Be sure your motives are appropriate as you enter into your fast. Desire to meet with God, to be more Christ like and for the holiness of God to be more evident in your life.

2. Schedule in time to pray and read the Bible. If you don’t, you may miss wonderful opportunities to hear from God.

3. Be prepared for opposition. We are in a spiritual battle and prayer and fasting are spiritual things. It will also come from your own body, which is used to three meals a day!!

4. Headaches, dizziness, tiredness, touchiness etc are all part of fasting too! Beware of intensified temptation - especially at your weakest point.

5. Be open to hear God in dreams, visions, and revelations and through the Bible in new and exciting ways. If it’s relevant to the church let us know through your Community Group Leaders or any of the Leadership Team.

Practical Guidelines

This is not a comprehensive list of guidelines, but only helpful hints. If you are considering a long fast, i.e. more than a few days, it is advisable to read Arthur Wallis’s book, God’s Chosen Fast.

1. Fast with someone else. There is strength in numbers, especially if going on an extended fast.

2. Make a commitment and set a duration. However, be willing to review the duration if health or circumstances change.

3. If drinking juice, drink low or non-acidic diluted juices. Watch your intake; schedule it so you are self-controlled. Juice fasts may hinder you on longer fasts as your hunger mechanism does not ‘shut off’, it may make a longer fast more difficult than a normal fast.

4. If underweight or ill, consult your doctor even for a few days fast.

5. If considering an extended fast, consult your doctor first so he can monitor you in the later stages of the fast. Also confide in a strong Christian friend who can support and monitor you too.

6. Don’t boast about your fast. It is to be done in secret, but don’t be legalistic about this. Tell those who need to know.

7. Prepare well for your fast. Cut out coffee, tea, coke, chocolate and any other caffeine foods/drinks ahead of time. If going on an extended fast, begin to reduce your food intake 3-5 days before starting and cut out rich, greasy and high cholesterol foods. The meals two days prior to the fast should consist of salads, fruits and fibre rich foods.

8. Schedule in regular rest breaks as you grow weary and exercise only lightly.

9. Break the fast gradually, especially prolonged fasts.

10. On a long fast, when your hunger returns, it is time to break the fast.

As we enter this week of prayer and fasting together it’s important that we remember that:
• we are expressing to God that His agenda is more important to us than our own
• we are under grace not law. If at any point you feel you need to break the fast, be released to do so. Fasting is to meet with God, not to damage our bodies and bring condemnation
• we do it in faith, believing that God will hear our cry to Him

If you want to talk to someone about fasting, please feel free to speak
to any of the Leadership Team of The King’s Church Mid Sussex

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Awesome healing story at TKC...

On Sunday morning at TKC I heard a story.  It was a true story told by a 15 year old called Jenn.  It was one of those stories that stops you in your tracks, that takes your breath away, that reminds you again just how awesome God is.

Jenn had just returned from Newday - an event run by Newfrontiers for young people.  This year 6500 people attended including a group of about 60 from TKC.

Jenn was part of that group because earlier in the year she attended a Youth Alpha course at our church, met with God on the away day and signed up for Newday.

That is wonderful in itself.  But then another extraordinary thing happened.  One night at Newday, in the evening celebration, Adrian Holloway prayed for the sick and those with illness. Jenn had suffered with a form of dyslexia for years which had meant that reading was a significant challenge.  So significant that she had never read publicly and required additional tuition.

So she prayed, with her friends. Prayed that God would heal her.

How would she know if anything had changed, if God had done anything?  She picked up her Bible and read, out loud to her mates, for the first time....ever.  She read clearly with no hesitation and no struggle.  God had done something wonderful.

On Sunday morning at church Jenn shared her story and then, as the preach began, she stood up in front of 250 people and read the Bible. She read the verses that we were looking at together. It was one of those moments, one of those stories. God is doing some amazing things.

For more info on Newday check out http://www.newdaygeneration.org/Groups/108677/Newday.aspx