Wednesday 15 May 2013

Sense & Sexuality: why we are doing a teaching series on Sex at TKC

Sense and Sexuality

On Sunday 23 June this year we are going to start a new teaching series at The King's Church Mid-Sussex called 'Sense and Sexuality'.

For a number of years I have thought about doing a teaching series like this but it has not felt like the right moment, however, I feel God has clearly led me to do the series this year.  So for 5 weeks (maybe more!) I will be teaching Sunday by Sunday on a number of themes relating to this huge and significant issue.

The reality is this; sex and sexuality is one of the driving forces, if not the driving force, in our culture and yet I have rarely heard much teaching about it in the church. This is tragic because sex is God's idea and he created it for good. Many of us grew up in churches that seemed to suggest that sex was bad or wrong. Certainly it was taboo; never spoken about within the walls of the church. But God created sex, God created us as sexual beings, sex was his idea! So why the silence?

The reality is also this; as the church has remained silent on the issue the rest of the world has found it's own view of sex outside of God's original plan and intent.

Why do we need a teaching series on Sex and Sexuality? 

Because $90 billion dollars are spent every year on the porn industry
Because America spends more on porn than it does on foreign aid
Because today 27 million people are bought and sold as slaves - many into the sex industry
Because the number 1 consumer of internet porn is 12-17 year old boys
Because in the UK in 2011 there were nearly 200,000 unwanted pregnancies that led to abortion
Because in the UK in 2009 nearly 500,000 people contracted an STI
Because in the USA 90% of 8-16 year olds have seen pornagraphic images
Because many people are hurt, wounded and damaged because of abusive sexual relationships

And because God has a much higher and more beautiful plan for human sex and sexuality than that which we see around us. And here's the thing, not many people know what it is. He is a God of extravagent love, forgiveness, grace and healing and the Bible says alot about Sex and Sexuality.

So, we are going to spend some time looking at this together at The King's Church Mid-Sussex - identity, relationships, singleness, marriage, sexuality.

Sense and Sexuality starting 23 June.

More info will be coming soon.

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